NuDoor Facings Walnut
When faced with the overwhelming task of updating 204 condominium front doors as quickly as possible while staying within budget, Celene Designs Inc. turned to Roos International for a solution. The result: Time and money saved on the spot with NuDoor Facings.
Typically when updating doors, you must remove the door, install a temporary door (and all its hardware) then transport the current door to another location for updating. None of that is necessary when using NuDoor Facings.
Just imagine, two installers and one helper completing 10 doors per work day. When updating a door using NuDoor Facings the process consists of removing the door from the frame, removing all hardware, cleaning and drying the surface, and then installing NuDoor. Finally, the edges are trimmed, the old hardware is put back on and the door is rehung. All of this happens just steps away from the original location of the door—cutting down on the manpower, resources and time needed for this project.